1st Jan 2024, Johor Bahru, Malaysia
All through 2023, I did one thing on most of the days- a simple daily workout (walking, stairs climbing, bit of jogging and badminton (weekly)). I started keeping tab of daily workouts. Using my Power BI skills, I turned this daily data into interesting dashboards. I am happy that I managed to crack 80% & above on all my 4 targets, with one target achieved and another target almost achieved. Most importantly, "Project fitness-Ashok" daily routines has given more life-lessons, teachings and reflections, to me personally.
Here are my top 12 things a daily workout (or anything similar hobby/skill) can also do for you, irrespective of your age, which I would like to share:
1) Dreams do turn to reality! It's not a myth! As long as you are diligent and consistent, you are surely few steps closer to your dreams!
2) Discipline becomes part of your life, slow and steady and in the "right" things that you do!
3) Creates time for you, energizes you, every day, all the months and throughout the year!
4) Makes you feel good about yourself and you deal with persons/do tasks with a sense of pride/ a sense of achievement!
5) Improves your multi-tasking skills, through inflow of positive energies within you, often times it comes as a surprise!
6) Makes you generally a calm, contented, compassionate and focused person! (at least one of the attributes for sure, if not all)
7) Helps to analyze your body and motivates you to keep your body fit (physically and mentally) and healthy!
8) Becoming more productive, also provides opportunity to look at larger picture of you, your goals and where you want to be, through smaller time-frames.
9) Motivates you to go a extra mile/to push yourself a little bit (last hurdle syndrome) and take those small but certain steps to achieve your targets.
10) Never lets you morally down & out, in any tasks that you do, even though you may be physically down from time to time.
11) Gives an opportunity or two to learn some new skills. (photography for example)
12) You learn to appreciate a bit more and be appreciated a lot more.
I hope this note and dashboard stats inspires you to set yourself some goals (fitness and life goals) and action plans for 2024! If not, grab your pen/laptop right now! I have my 1st Jan 2024 targets to complete! Happy 2024 once again for all of you and happy to hear/read through your comments..
With love, Ashok Sarangapani